LocWeb takes place on Tuesday, 4th April 2017.
We meet in the BelleVue Lounge, on the third floor, one floor up from the other meeting rooms.
The programme consists of 3 accepted papers, a keynote, a technical update, and a discussion session.
[Overview slides]
9:00-10:30 Session 1
9:00 Opening
9:10 Keynote Understanding Indoor Behavior: Where, What, with Whom?
Martin Tomko (University of Melbourne)
Capturing and understanding users’ context is key to the success of applications such as computational advertising and recommender systems. Currently, context is usually inferred from a user’s interaction history with Web content. As an ever-increasing portion of Web interaction occurs in a mobile context, the physical and social environment in which the interaction occurs is a key factor of user context and holds additional signals of user intent. In this talk, I will discuss recent work on understanding user behavior based on recorded traces of the cyber, social and physical component of users interaction with the in indoor environment (i.e., shopping malls), based on an extensive dataset of Wi-Fi logs. We will draw lessons for the future of indoor recommender services and context-aware mobile applications.
10:00 Paper Predicting train occupancies based on query logs and external data sources
Gilles Vandewiele, Pieter Colpaert, Joachim Van Herwegen, Olivier Janssens, Ruben Verborgh, Erik Mannens, Femke Ongenae, Filip De Turck (Universiteit Ghent – imec, IDLab)
[Slides] [doi]
10:30-11:00 Coffee
11:00-12:30 Session 2
11:00 Paper Spatial Analysis of Social Media Response to Live Events. The Case of the Milano Fashion Week
Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Gianmarco Donetti (Politecnico di Milano)
[Slides] [doi]
11:30 Paper Could data from location-based social networks be used to support urban planning?
Tiago Lima (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), Rodrigo Smarzaro (Universidade Federal de Viçosa), Clodoveu Davis Jr (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
[Slides] [doi]
12:00 Standards Update: GeoJSON and Geo APIs, Erik Wilde
12:15 Discussion, Open Questions, Future Work
12:30 Closing
13:30-17:00 Afternoon Sessions
For the afternoon we invite all LocWeb attendees to join the afternoon sessions of the tutorial The Lifecycle of Geotagged Data, by Rossano Schifanella, Bart Thomee, David Shamma.
Papers will have 20-25 minutes presentation and 5-10 minutes discussion.